Revista DIÁLOGOS com a arte
Diálogos com a arte
revista de arte, cultura e educação
The Age of Simulation in the Eyes of Global Visibility
In the eyes of global visibility or Age of disposable people (Rey Chow, 2010), the presented articles focus on artistic process as contribute to society. In particular, imagery and screen making as acts of representation, becoming today a way of being. The major role of viewer´s perception and ability to decode visual narrative discourse and their system produce a way of seeing, is crucial to better perceive the impact of visual media on our collective and individual cultural identities, while stressing socio-political tensions.
According to Carl Jung there are four basic cognitive functions that “(…) determines and limits a person´s judgment.” (Jung, 1989: 207) In this regard, Contributions of Carl Gustav Jung´s Analytical Psychology to Artistic Practice, authored by Margarete Soares, aim to stress the relevance to debate authentic and its roots towards artistic practice. It becomes evident that pictorial turn understood as an Age of simulation (W. J. T. Mitchell, 1992) is deeply related with the literacy of memory, questioning mediation and “creator´s essence”. The relevance of “(..) the role of journalism, using Cinema as an Art (…)” according to Maria Celeste Cantante´s article entitled The Importance of Writing the Truth in Journalism on the Film: The Post, urges the need to address and debate uncertainties related to visual literacy and viewer´s perception, and the ability to decode narrative discourse.
Diálogos com a arte n.º 14-2024
ISSN: 2183-1726
DOI: 10.57910/ipvc-ese-dca-v14
Revista Indexada e referenciada pela base de dados internacional de publicações periódicas científicas:
LATINDEX-Sistema Regional de Informação para as Revistas Científicas de América Latina, Caribe, Espanha e Portugal
The territory of visual representation in the eyes of Implementing the Art of Screendance Making to Undergraduate Learners in a Midwestern University in the USA: Some Pedagogical Reflections, Suparna Banerjee and Janice Baker argue that involving dance and film are “(…) effective teaching strategies”. These methods based on screendance, wherein sentimental returns or sentimental fabulations, reflect community collaborative learning processes. Furthermore, João Cerqueira in his article – Art and Cancel Culture: the Case of José Guimarães - reinforces the need to debate cultural engagement since images possess a social value: to what extend “Cultural Appropriation” is misled today?
Towards spatial, social and ethnical segregation, Manuel Carlos Silva, Fernando Matos Rodrigues and António Cardoso focus their research in their article entitled Living Conditions, Social Representations, Social-Spacial and Ethnical Segregation in the São João de Deus Neighbourhood in Porto, on dismantling neighbourhood observation, and its community impact concerning “(…) the relationships and occasional frictions (…)”.