Revista DIÁLOGOS com a arte
1. Revitalizing craft and craft pedagogy in cape verde
Rachel Mason • Raquel Moreira
2. Creative Commitment as a Studying Environment in the Artistic Meeting Zone SPA_LOW_SKY
Rolf Laven
3. Textual and Visual Readings of the Poem-Turned-Screendance “My Last Death”: An Interdisciplinary Method
Suparna Banerjee
4. Concerning of Spiritual in Art of Hilma af Klint
Margarete Barbosa Nicolosi Soares
5. War, Trauma and Consequences – Film Analysis
Maria Celeste Henriques de Carvalho de Almeida Cantante
6. Visual primordial language: decoupling of aesthetics and art and their reunification?
Wolfgang Weinlich
7. Art and Fashion in times of crisis: an interdisciplinary analysis Maria Assunção Pestana
Maria Antonieta Vaz de Morais
8. Light and Shadow: the exploration of sustainable design in the Fiat Lux! project
Patrícia Vieira
9. Installation and performance art; resonances in socio-artistic-educational environments
Assunção Pestana • Raquel Moreira
10. Immigrants in Viana do Castelo. Welcoming and social integration
Margarida Torres • António Cardoso • Manuel Carlos Silva
11. Art Education for the Promotion of Intangible Heritage - Luvale Traditional Festival in Angola
Jorge Gumbe
12. The Pilgrimage of Fernão Mendes Pinto, a chronicle in which the interpenetration of cultures reveals the social and cultural elevation of the peoples here and abroad
Helena Maria da Silva Santana • Maria do Rosário da Silva Santana
13. The soundscape in the understanding of the literary text
Cíntia Rocha • Adalgisa Pontes • Ana Raquel Aguiar
14. Interface between Communication and Technologies in Distance Education: "Undisciplined" ways of promoting critical thinking
Ana Maria Faccioli Camargo • Irineu Camargo • Anabela Moura
15. Augmented Reality Technology Usage on Arts Students Learning Satisfaction
Abdulrasheed Olowoselu